Improving the quality of service provided to customers is a key success factor in the highly competitive financial sector environment.Discover how the BPM suite can help you improve the competitiveness of your teams, increase customer loyalty and respond effectively to increasing regulatory constraints: AMF, MIFID, Basel II and Basel III, etc.
Your stakes
In the banking and finance sector, managers are still often burdened with administrative tasks instead of focusing on the quality of service provided to clients.In addition, the financial scandals of recent years and the increased regulatory controls that followed them (AMF, MIFID, Basel II and Basel III), oblige financial institutions to put in place strengthened control procedures to detect risks in a timely manner. Incurred and prevent fraudulent behavior. With the use of the now you will be able to have the best deals now.
The time is for more transparency thanks to the proof of the information provided. Senior management is now responsible for the good governance of the company and must provide full traceability at the level of audits, internal controls and reporting associated.
Eager to respond effectively to these challenges while providing real added value to their customers, professionals in the banking and finance sector, tend to modernize their information system by implementing dematerialization and automation solutions. Process for:
Control the risks
- Meet the regulatory requirements
- Automate business processes
- Improve the quality of the customer relationship
- Accelerate the exchange of information and the productivity of your teams.
BPM solutions for the banking and finance sector
BPM’s GED Suite (ECM) and Workflow (BPM) helps organizations in the banking and finance industry automate and optimize a number of key processes, including:
Manage risks:Risk mapping, prevention, monitoring and control
- Manage quality and continuous improvement processes: document management, internal audits, non-conformities, customer complaints and action plans
- Reduce processing times by automating manual processes in areas as diverse as loan applications, mortgage applications, opening new accounts or any other collaborative process
- Eliminate paper documents and manual exchanges to ensure fast and secure access to information, while improving traceability of operations and audit trails in the event of internal control.
- Attract new customers and consolidate existing customers through optimized multi-channel customer relationship management
- Use collaborative tools to communicate more effectively and securely with your teams without any time and space constraints.
With BPM, you guarantee that documents are validated, up-to-date and in compliance with the defined processes, thanks to a complete traceability of stakeholders, dates and actions. Moreover thanks to the integrated workflow system, you assign and follow the files in real time, their progress thanks to indicators and dashboards accessible in real time.That’s why BPM’s GED and Workflow solutions have been chosen by many banks and financial companies who want to optimize their internal processes and control risks.